Website Changes

Website Changes

No, you’re not going mad – we’re moved a few things around!!

A couple of years ago the Club signd up to the Archery GB “OnTarget” scheme and gained the “Community” specialism. We are now in the process of applying for the other two specialisms, “Young People” and “Performance”.

You will have already seem the email canvassing for members wanting improve their archery Performance and the latest tweaks to the web site are the next step in the process.

You will notice that Coaching takes a more prominent position in the menu and we will be adding pages and resurces to support the two performance goups, “Beginner to Intermediate” and “Intermediate to Advanced”.

I you are looking for the Coaching Sessions page, this will soon be found in the “Beginner to Intermediate” section.

If you want more information about the Performance Specialism, the two performance groups or anything else related to coaching, please drop an email to the coaching team.

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