Scheduled Taster Days

Each year we hold four taster days with two sessions per day. In winter (indoors) each session will have up to 12 people and in summer (outdoors) up to 20 people. This gives us a capacity for 128 participants in just four days !

Hopefully this means we will only be calling for volunteers 5 times in any one year (the 4 sessions below plus the Big Weekend) although if we get enquiries from big groups, e.g. Scouts, Round Table and WI, we will put on additional sessions.

The dates are as follows:

  • 2nd February
  • 6th April
  • 24th August
  • 7th December

For the indoor sessions we will need at least four and ideally five volunteers and 10/11 volunteers for the outdoor sessions.

If you are able to help on any of these sessions would you please complete the following booking form. Although the form works as normal, please note the one qwerk is that you MUST select the “Taster Session” before locating and selecting the relevant date in the calendar !

Volunteers that have already signed up are listed at the bottom of this page.


Volunteers that have already booked :-

2nd February – (5 or 6 coaches required)

Neil Eddie 
AM Session,PM Session
Wayne Evardson 
AM Session,PM Session
Richard Wilson 
AM Session,PM Session
Ian Huntingdon 
AM Session,PM Session
Paul McGuire 
AM Session,PM Session

6th April – (10 or 11 coaches required)

No appointments found with the selected filters

24th August – (10 or 11 coaches required)

No appointments found with the selected filters

7th December – (5 or 6 coaches required)

No appointments found with the selected filters

Adhoc Taster Sessions

