Selby Postal League 2020/21
Following our incredibly successful entry to the Northern Counties Junior Postal League last year, Gareth Stott has again “volunteered” to coordinate entries for any postal leagues available through the coming winter season.
The Selby Postal League is now taking entries. If you are willing to shoot at least one Portsmouth and / or one Frostbite round each month from November to March would you please click here to submit you details.
A summary of the relevant rules are as follows:
1. There are 2 Leagues:
Portsmouth: 5 Dozen arrows at 20 yards on a 60cm target face, metric scoring.
Frostbite: 3 Dozen arrows at 30 metres on a 80cm target face, metric scoring.
2. Teams throughout the Leagues will consist of the following number of archers:
Recurve – 3 archers
Compound, Barebow & Longbow – 2 archers
3. The scores submitted must be shot in the required month.
4. Each team shoots one match per month throughout the duration of the competition.
10. All matches are to be shot under Archery GB rules. Any ties on score will be determined in the following order. Score, Hits, Golds, ‘X’s.
11. Score sheets must show Hits, Score, X’s & Golds