Below you will see the questions that have been posed by members along with the answer. You can read by clicking the relevant question. If you have any other questions please contact any committee member. All questions raised will get an individual response as well as being added to this list.
Why are we creating a second club?
As a result of the changes that Archery GB have made to their membership scheme, because we operate 24-7 we can no longer be confident that anyone accessing our facilities is insured to shoot and potentially invalidating the insurance of all other members present at that time.
To mitigate this insurance risk we are arranging for insurance to cover ALL members regardless of their AGB membership status.
However, the club affiliation to AGB mandates that all archers must be AGB members. We have therefore created a second club for all archers which is protected by private insurance.
Is the club splitting, are we in financial difficulties?
No. Absolutely not. The financial state of the club is extremely healthy.
Which club will I belong to?
You will always belong to both clubs. If you choose to maintain your AGB membership you will be a shooting member of VBoH and those that choose not to renew will become Social Members of VBoH, and everyone will be a member of “club 2”
I occasionally shoot away from home when on holiday or similar, will I still be able to shoot at other clubs around the country?
To shoot at another club you will have to follow the rules of that club which may require you to hold AGB membership.
Unless you have retained your AGB membership you are unlikely to be able to shoot at any other club unless they too have adopted a dual club (private insurance) approach to membership. If a club is fully AGB affiliated then you would be required to present you AGB membership card (or ID number) to be allowed to shoot.
Note that some competitions and events have private insurance for the event which allows anyone to participate in the event regardless of their AGB membership status (for example, The Scorton Arrow)
Can I shoot at other AGB shoots?
All AGB events will require you to be a member of AGB and will require you to provide proof of membership.
Can I still shoot with my friends I usually shoot with?
Yes, you will be able to use the club exactly as you do now and shoot alongside your fellow members.
How can I be sure that everyone on the shooting line has the same level of insurance as me?
Other than in some special circumstances, all club members on the shooting line will be covered by our private insurance.
Am I still affiliated to YAA and NCAS?
Anyone who retains membership of AGB will be required to maintain membership of YAA and NCAS. At the time of writing both organisations still run on an annual renewal date of 1st October and have not announced how they will be responding to the changes made by AGB.
Can I still coach or volunteer?
Yes, you will be able to continue any coaching or volunteering. However, anyone wishing to maintain their coaching licence (with AGB) will have to maintain their AGB membership and comply with any CPD requirements.
How will AGB membership renewals be managed?
Anyone with a 1st October 2025 AGB membership renewal date will get a reminder from the club (and almost certainly from AGB) that renewal fees are due. Anyone wishing to renew will be able to do this via the club or direct with AGB. Although no decision has yet been made about how future renewals will be managed, it is likely to be left for members to deal with on an individual basis direct with AGB.
How much will this cost me?
The cost for the club to provide insurance cover to all members for a full year averages about £10 per member. At the recent committee meeting it was agreed that the annual club fees for 2025 will be £85 for adults and £40 for Juniors and disabled members. This increase is made up of £10 for private insurance and £5 to reflect general cost of living increase.
However, any social member not wishing to renew their Archery GB membership will not have to pay the renewal fee of £71 (increasing to £76 2026) on the anniversary date on your membership (for most members this will be October 1st ) giving an overall saving of £51 (2024 = £70 + £66 = £136 vs 2025 = £85).
Whilst this represents a significant annual saving to a large number of our members, there will be a group of members who wish to retain AGB membership and the overall cost to them will increase by £20 (2024 = £70 + £66 = £136 vs 2025 = £85 + £71 = £156).
* Note: The AGB fees above include £6 for YAA and NCAS.
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