The following are brief role descriptions for all Officers of the club


  1. Participate in monthly committee meetings and any other club meetings as requested.
  2. Chair the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Co-ordinate the production and presentation of annual reports from all members of the executive committee and club officers.
  4. Act as an authorised signatory for the club bank accounts.
  5. Maintain an awareness of available funding in the form of grants and otherwise ensure major projects can be adequately funded as required by a decision of the committee.
  6. On behalf of the club: maintain communication with the clubs land trustees; keep abreast of changes in legislation which may impact the trust, the running of the club or its position within the local community; keep abreast of any issues or policy changes raised by ArcheryGB.
  7. Produce and present at the AGM the Presidents report.


  1. Processing email enquiries to the club mainly about:
    a) joining a beginner course;
    b) booking a taster session;
    c) joining the club;
    d) organisations requesting attendance at fetes/fairs etc.
  2. Handling general queries from club members.
  3. Organising the beginner courses, taster sessions and have-a-go’s including scheduling coaches/volunteers for these events.
  4. Arranging any maintenance /repairs needed.
  5. Attendance at committee meetings and at the AGM and taking minutes for distributing to the membership.
  6. Dealing with anything that no-one else wants to get involved in.
  7. Keeping the membership email list up to date by either adding new members or deleting lapsed members.
  8. Attending the YAA AGM or arranging for a club member to attend.
  9. Occasional dealings with Archery GB.

Records Officer

  1. Be familiar with Golden Records (this is where all scored rounds are recorded) and be able to instruct other archers how to use it.
  2. Validate and approve or reject scores entered into Golden Records (weekly).
    • If score entered on paper score sheets validate totals
    • For all scores entered validate that the score sheet has been signed, counter signed (if not then the score is not eligible for a club record).
    • Validate if the score is a practice round or a competition round.
  3. Produce a list of classifications and awards achieved each month to be sent to the membership with each committee meeting notes, in order for members to claim badges.
  4. Produce a presentation aimed at new members to instruct on, Rounds, Classifications and how to achieve them, and handicaps.
  5. Produce a report to be presented at the AGM.

Junior Liaison Officer

  1. Participate in monthly committee meetings, the club Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any other club meetings as requested. Specifically, also to represent the junior members in these meetings.
  2. Organise and attend “Junior Nights”.
  3. Organise games and food nights.
  4. Promote junior attendance at club (and external) competitions.
  5. Provide support and coaching for juniors as and when required.
  6. Keep parents updated on progress / expectations of their junior members.
  7. Produce a report to be presented at the AGM.

Entertainment Officer


Vice President



  1. Participate in monthly committee meetings, the club Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any other club meetings as requested.
  2. Maintain a record of all club income and expenditure in order to furnish the committee with monthly financial statements.
  3. Act as an authorised signatory for the club bank accounts; manage and account for any petty cash held by the club from time to time.
  4. Propose and monitor annual expenditure budgets for club activities such as entertainments, trophies, catering, equipment and maintenance activities.
  5. Negotiate financially on behalf of the club as required e.g. insurance renewals, major capital expenses etc.
  6. Produce and present at the AGM a set of annual accounts which have been co-signed by a second committee member.

Membership Officer

  1. Participate in monthly committee meetings, the club Annual General Meeting (AGM) and all other club meetings as required.
  2. Maintain a record of all club members by logging them onto the club’s Golden Records system or archiving them if lapsed.
  3. Log members onto Archery GB Sport 80 and again to archive them when lapsed as members.
  4. Ensure that members’ club subscription fees and insurance payments have been recorded on Golden Records.
  5. Produce a report on membership numbers to be presented at the AGM.
  6. The busiest times of year are April when club subscriptions are due and October when AGB insurance is due.

Members Representative

  1. Participate in monthly committee meetings, the club Annual General Meeting (AGM) and any other club meetings as requested.
  2. Canvas and report on views and issues (excluding welfare) arising from discussions with members from time to time.
  3. Identify and liaise with various groups of members who may have a specific archery interest e.g. field, 3D which is not currently catered for by the club to understand our future needs as the club develops its facilities.
  4. Take a lead in shaping the club’s participation in AGB sponsored events such as “Archery Week or the Big Weekend” as well as encouraging members to support away events such as have-a-goes or external competitions.
  5. Propose additional duties and activities for the post holder from time to time.
  6. Produce a report to be presented at the AGM.

Welfare Officer

  1. To be the main club contact for matters concerning Welfare and Safeguarding complaints and issues
  2. To attend monthly club committee meeting when required to, in order to make the committee aware of issues which cannot be resolved or are being referred onwards (this role does not require all committee meetings to be attended)
  3. Take part in AGB and NCAS Welfare Officer Networker and other meetings as required
  4. Ensure checks and training for the role is maintained (DBS, Safeguarding of Children & Vulnerable Adults and Time-to-Talk)
  5. Prepare and securely store detailed casefile for each individual case
  6. To work with the President/Chair of the Committee around Safeguarding and other complaints in order they can discharge their legal duties around such issues