It was clear from the 2022 Membership Survey that there is a desire for some formal coaching sessions to be available.  We have therefore scheduled monthly sessions when at least one of the coaching team will be available to assist members.  To ensure greatest opportunity for people to attend these sessions, where possible they will alternate between Sunday morning and Monday evenings each month, dates as below.  If these dates are inconvenient for you please contact the coaching team and we will arrange other sessions.

SUNDAY 10:30 – 12:00

18th February

16th June
19th August
21st October
16th December

Monday 19:00 – 21:00
22nd January
18th March
22nd April
20th May
22nd July
15th September
17th November

Although we intend these to be “open door” sessions for members to just “drop in”, if you do intend coming would you please complete the booking form below or alternatively please email so we know how many people to expect.


The following have booked on the next coaching session
