Our 60th Anniversary fun shoot was a day of three halves (you are right, no wonder I wasn’t allowed to score). The first half in the morning saw the assembled crowd of more that 35 archers shooting at 5 “targets” in rotation – but using club beginnre bows. For those that didn’t attend you will have to zoom in to see:
1. Rotating Teddy/Rupert Bears
2. Shooting at the mark with flu-flu arrows
3. Shooting at the Wand (with bonus points for balloons)
4. Popinjay (or Papingo) with flu-flu’s again
5. Hanging Hoops

Glorious Yorkshire weather broke out mid morning just in time for a sumptuous lunchtime finger buffet from Taylors – followed by tasty treats “cooked up” by Alice Knox (thank you Alice)

Thankfully everyone was allowed to use their own archery kit for the Afternoon session. After unveiling the 6 winning target designs (one for each decade of the Clubs’ history) shooting recommenced with three arrow ends and two full rotations of all six targets.

As with all competitions, the usual clear up, pack away and then wait…… wait ……. wait for the results. Luckily Clive was on hand to do a quick dance routine to entertain the troops (no, Will a nd Alan were not part of the routine).

With the results in it was then on to the handing out of Medals for the winners – which took almost as long as the shooting itself! I haven’t added it up but if you didn’t go home with a trophy medal or badge then you are probably the only one who did!!!